Friday, April 15, 2011

April is National Poetry Month

We celebrated national poetry month with two favorite poets for children.

K-2 explored the work and website of poet Jack Prelutsky. Some of our favorites were "My Frog is a Frog" and "Hiccups", which required some careful reading aloud and kept everyone faking the hiccups for some time.

3-6 explored the work and website of Shel Silverstein. On his website, "Uncle Shelby" performs his own poetry, and we delighted in his vocal interpretations of his own work.

From Shel Silverstein's website, we downloaded some activities and selected a few for each of the grades to use to explore the wonders of writing poetry. Go to the Shel Silverstein site linked above, then click on "Ideas for Teachers and Parents." Look under "Event Kits" and click on "Celebrate Poetry Month".

Spring Break is next week, so enjoy your time off! Check out some poetry books!

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