Monday, August 18, 2014

Be Your Best

"Whatever you choose to do in life, be your best." This is what my father taught me when I was a child. In 2009, I chose to be a media assistant at Bella Vista and my focus has always been to make the library the best it can be so others will gain a love for reading books and visiting libraries to last a lifetime.

You don't have to wait until you're grown up to be your best. You can be your best now and the possibilities are endless! You can be the best student in class, the best daughter or son at home, the best friend to others, the best citizen in your community, even the best at reading 20 minutes every night to become the best reader you can be.

Being your best can be hard sometimes but it is worth it! I promise, you will feel good about how you live your life when you do your best.

The NumberlysRecently, I read a picture book called The Numberlys by William Joyce. The only thing that exists in the Numberlys' colorless world are numbers.  A few of the children decide they won't settle for what already exists. They want something more than just numbers. They work hard to come up with different ideas to improve upon what is already there. They create an even more wonderful world by adding letters, words and color to life!  When you do your best you will create a more wonderful world too!

Guess How Much I Love You Lap-Size Board Book
In conclusion, I want you to know "I love you to the moon and back"and you will always have a special place in my heart. Good bye.

                                                 Mrs. Allison

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