Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Bella Vista Students Dig Dewey's 500s

The following is the curriculum lesson on the Dewey Decimal System - 500s for the week of March 8. There are two objectives, one, to let the students explore the science and mathematics books and, two, teach them how to independently find 500s books in the library.

At the beginning of every lesson for K-6th graders 25-30 science and mathematics books are shown to them and then the books are handed out to the students. Then they look at the spine of the book to find the "magic number" which is the first number, in the hundreds column, of the call number. Everyone says the number at the same time, "FIVE!" Books are collected. The rest of the lessons are separated into grade levels.

K-1st: At this point kindergarteners and first graders get to pretend they are reading a 500s book of their choice. They put their hands together like an open book. The librarian then asks each student what science or mathematics book they are reading. Then the class plays "Follow the Leader" to the 500s section. The librarian "draws a line" with a red ribbon taped to the front of the shelves from 500-599. Afterward shelf markers are handed out to check out books.

2nd-3rd: At this point a sorting game is played. Two signs are posted, 500-599 and NOT 500-599. Books that are not from the 500s are mixed with the 500s. From this stack of mixed books the students read the call number, look for the "magic number"and place the book in the correct pile, 500-599 or NOT 500-599. Then two students are called on to find the beginning and end of the 500s section of the library.

4th-6th: At this point a power point picture is presented on the 10 sections of the 500s. For example, 510-519 is the Mathematics section, 520-529 is the Life Science section and so forth. A student selects a book and shows the class. The class guesses which of the 10 sections it belongs. The student lets them know if they are correct or not. Repeat several times with different students and books. In conclusion a matching worksheet for the various sections in the 500s is handed out with pencils for the students to complete.

Bella Vista students dig Dewey's 500s!


  1. Excellent idea, i love the concept. Can't wait to hear more of your teaching methods!

  2. You did such a great job with this, Janice! The kids really enjoyed matching the subcategories and trying to place the books I used as examples into the subcategories. Great idea!
